Keep up to date with the latest news, information, opportunities to volunteer with us and updates from Bexley IASS.
Bexley Information, Advice & Support Service (IASS) needs your help!
IASS needs volunteer parents and carers to support IASS to engage with the wider SEND community, with the aim of being a champion for the IAS Service.
Whether you can spare an hour a week, day a week or more, we would love to hear from you.
You may be asked to promote the service in your local school or college, to co-produce training & workshops with IASS specifically for parents and carers or even to co deliver training alongside IASS staff.
There’s plenty to get involved in!
This is your opportunity to be a part in shaping and developing the IASS service to suit SEND family’s needs.
If you have a good understanding of SEND and / or lived experience and you are feel you want to be part of supporting IASS in the delivery of a high quality service,
contact us to discuss.
If you are interested in volunteering to support IASS extend its reach to all parents and carers of SEN children and young people through Bexley and promote the support available to them from IASS, get in touch.
Please call IASS on 020 3045 5976. Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected]
Working arrangements during COVID -19
Although we are not able to meet face to face during Covid-19, our helpline (0203 045 5976) remains open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.
We are also happy to receive your emails: [email protected]
A member of the Bexley IASS team will respond within 3 working days.